Valley of the Queens or Ta-Set-Neferu (place of beauty) is located on the west side of Luxor and nearby the Valley of the Kings. It is the place where the Egyptian queens, princesses, and princes were buried. This Valley is one of the most famous locations in Egypt as it is for the wives of the Pharaohs. The valley includes 91 tombs but there are more other subsidiary valleys with 19 more tombs also.

Valley of the Queens

Valley of the Queens or queens Valley includes three dynasties (18th, 19th, and 20th). The location is smaller than that of the Kings but it has more tombs. Reasons for choosing the place are different; some think to be close to the kings. Tombs are less in-depth when we compare them to the tombs of the kings.

The tomb of Queen Nefertari, QV 66 (wife of Ramesses II) is the most fascinating one in Egypt. The tomb has the best colors, designs, and even scenes that show the Queen with her wonderful dress and style. It was discovered in 1904. Visiting this tomb requires an extra ticket of 1400 LE per person and even there is a limited number of visitors per day. Nefertiti’s tomb had been robbed of by the tomb robbers so her sarcophagus and body were destroyed. Some parts of her body were found but they are in the Turin Museum. The tomb was closed for a while under restoration but is now available for the public.

It is said that the first tomb that had been carved in the Valley of the Queens is that of princess Ahmose, the daughter of King Seqenenre of the 18th dynasty. The most remarkable tombs are those of QV52 of queen Tyti, wife of Ramesses III, the tomb of number QV55 of prince Amun-Her-Khepeshef, son of king Ramesses III, QV44 of prince Khaemwaset, son of king Ramesses III,